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Come back


Videodance "Come in ... The house is yours! I'll spend a coffee" will be at the Festival of Solos and Collectives


Salvador BA


The Solo and Collective Festival takes place from April 8th to 12th, a project that celebrates affective-collaborative meetings between these two groups of artists of different languages who develop dance works in Bahia.


The Festival of Soils and Collectives was contemplated by the public notice Arte em Toda Parte - Ano II, launched by the Gregório de Mattos Foundation, an organ of the City of Salvador. In this edition, 15 works will be presented with artists from different districts of Salvador, with contemporary dance as the main artistic language.

The Festival's idea is to promote the formation of a contemporary dance audience and enable artistic exchange. The Núcleo VAGAPARA and Quitanda are groupings of artists of different languages who develop works in contemporary art and work collaboratively since 2007 in Salvador. The artists of these collectives have the autonomy to develop their activities in the areas of dance, theater, audiovisual, performance, training actions and other transversal languages, either alone or sharing them internally or creating collaboratively with artists outside the collectives.

The Soil and Collective Festival takes place in public squares and is free and open to all audiences.


The Program of the Festival of Solos and Collectives follows:

Location: Itapuã
Date: 4/8
Human Landscape (Rayza Lélis)
Asphyxiation (William Gomes)
Suldário (Giltanei Amorim)

Location: Pituaçu

Date: 4/9
The drowned city (Raiça Bonfim)
Basic Black Dress (Jorge Oliveira)
Baobab (Aldren Lincoln)

Location: Dique do Tororó
Date: 4/10
Come in, the house is yours! I'm going to have a coffee (Gilsamara Moura and Lulu Pugliese)
Rite (Olga Lamas)
Nêgo (Ruben Tejedor)

Location: Platform
Date: 4/11
River path (Thiago Cohen and Ana Brandão)
This is just a woman (Isabela Silveira)
I exchange photos for Sorrisos (Aldren Lincoln)

Location: Cajazeiras
Date: 4/12
Drag (Fernando Lopes)
Garbage Clothesline (Lucas Valentim)
Tile Body (Giltanei Amorim)

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