Porto Alegre-RS
The Meeting is a partnership between the Graduation Courses in Dance of the universities of RS; establishes a network between teachers, students, graduates, professionals and the community. Each edition is organized by a course, hosted at a different institution, as a way to foster this partnership. In its V edition, the Meeting is hosted at UFRGS and joins the Salão de Dança, which is in its VIII edition. The union of the two events is an attempt to join forces, since both have similar purposes.
We are a family owned and operated business.
As the theme of the event, we felt the need to discuss the issue of the dance labor market and what we are called “free culture”. First, because dance graduations - 18 years after the first dance graduation was implemented in RS - have trained professionals for the job market. Thus, a closer look is needed for this. Second, because there is constantly a demand for unpaid or underpaid work for dancing. The proposal is not to defend or combat gratuity, but to raise questions and question what has been developing from these perspectives.
- How does the gratuity of courses, workshops and shows reverberate in the beneficiaries?
- How has dance education approached ethics and respect in the dance field?
- How can the class be a possible starting point for building dance ethics?
- How has the counterpart of funded cultural projects been demanded and carried out?
- With the creation of free university courses in dance, what responsibility is there in occupying a public place?
- How is dance perceived and validated by the community and the general public?
- What is the artist's responsibility in mediating the work with an audience?
- How to enhance the socially transforming factor of dance and validate it as an agent of change?
- How are we perceiving the idea of dance as work in the communities where we are working?
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14:00 - 15:30 Workshop I - Dr. Gilsamara Moura (UFBA)
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"Mestizo Dialogue - meetings and sharing"
We are a family owned and operated business.
Synopsis: Contemporary Dance can be treated as one of the most democratic dances that exist; it allows to contemplate in its methodology bodies, ethnicities, completely different concepts. Diálogo Mestiço proposes to work with different bodies, concepts and thoughts, configuring a hybrid environment. In this environment the participant can experience individual and collective creation, scenic and choreographic composition; develop creative experiments. These experiments will be permeated by discussions about process and product, theory and practice, artistic project and academic project, among others.
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Total 50 places.
18:00 Lecture with Dr. Gilsamara Moura (UFBA)
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"Affective textures of our dance"
We are a family owned and operated business.
Synopsis: The lecture will present a kind of family tree of the guest's life, relating to the places occupied as a dancer, choreographer, public manager, artistic coordinator, group director, university professor. Among the themes to be addressed, "the culture of gratuity", in addition to the experiences that nourish the researcher's current studies, such as: modes of organization in dance, mirror neurons and cognitive action of the dancing body and its political implications.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Venue: Room II of the UFRGS Acts Hall